With so many Kenwood radios, what types of connectors and earpieces work on these sets?

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The best types are the 2-pin connector and the multi-pin connector. The two pin model features two connector pins and the multi-pin model features multiple pins. Any difference in performance is a matter of customer discretion.

The 2-pin connector’s earpiece features an in-line PTT (push-to-talk) button and a built-in microphone. It also has a surveillance audio tube and comes complete with a clothing clip. This Kenwood earpiece is available for just over £22 (including shipping and handling fees).

The multi-pin connected earpiece is a different type of connector entirely. However, the earpiece is the same, as it also features an in-line PTT button, a built-in microphone, surveillance tube and clothing clip. The cost is the same as the 2-pin version.

Both types of Kenwood earpiece can be upgraded by paying extra money and can include features like a ‘swivel’ earloop, for increased ease of use and comfort, a noise-reduction feature and a steel clothing clip (replacing the plastic version).

The types of connectors compatible with Kenwood two-way radios are limited when compared with some other manufacturers, but Kenwood know when to specialize in a certain area, because sometimes less is more.

Kenwood radios may only connect via two types of connector, but their equipment is among the best in the world. A Kenwood radio customer does not have to spend undue time searching his/her choices and researching them before purchase, provided the connector/earpiece falls into one of the two aforementioned categories, then the equipment will work fine.

Kenwood have been producing quality products since 1946 and they have a long history of trust, customer loyalty and cutting edge equipment. Because of this, Kenwood earpieces are well known and usually sell well on the international market.