Guidelines Buying The Best Earphones in India

I am a retired electrician with 34 years understanding with electrical systems, controls, and power management expertise. For the last ten years of working with electrical methods I developed a love for Earpiece.

earphone antennaHeadphones/ earphones are indispensable accessories for music lovers on the move.
And given the number of brands and the kind of competition that the market is filled with, buying the best earphones in India can be a difficult choice. To deal with this, one must prioritise his needs and decide on the features first, and go for headphones, headsets and earphones that can be called good from an overall perspective.

Also, it is advisable to opt for headphones from reputable brands as they seldom compromise with the quality and give the consumer the best in technology.
Let us take a look at some of the things that the buyer ought to spare a thought on when he intends to buy the best earphones in India. These if overlooked or compromised with may spoil the music listening experience.

The type – Earphones can be divided into two types, earbuds and in canal earphones. The former comes in the form of tiny modules which sit nicely inside the ear. The latter, finer and costlier, goes a little farther and fits right inside the ear. Both the types are intra aural and put straight into the ear canal, and strongly influence the overall fit.

The design and purpose/ primary use – Designs of the headphones ought to be purpose oriented as different layouts define the type of usage the headphone/ earphone is dedicated to. The purpose, whether the music accessory is meant for general or professional use, gaming or entertainment, sports or workouts, should therefore be kept in mind.

The kind of music that is to be played – Headphones are often categorised on the basis of the type of music they are made to play, e.g. hip hop, rock & pop, jazz, classical, music & entertainment, speech, gaming, communications, etc. Choosing a headphone that is meant for gaming but using it for listening to classical music might not be that rewarding a process.
So the accessory has to be selected according to the kind of music that is to be played.

The sound quality – The headphone/ earphone should offer musical balance and an acceptable reproduction of sound. Stereo sound, proper bass to enhance the low definition sound of MP3s, excellent levels of detail and an advanced acoustic system are some of the features that listeners usually look for in their ‘ideal’ headphones.

A strong battery/ replaceable cable – The headphone ought to have a powerful battery if it is wireless and come with a strong as well as replaceable cable if it is wired.

Wearability and durability – The headphone/ earphone has to come with a promise of longevity and a decent shelf life, and complemented with utmost wearing comfort.
Others features that would give the headphone/ earphone a cut above the rest may include dynamic driver systems, noise cancelling technology, Bluetooth capability (for wireless earphones), built-in controls, compatibility with in-flight entertainment systems and the like.

Listed below are some of the best Sennheiser earphones that have made their entry into the Indian market and received a lot of positive reviews. They are as follows:
The CXC 700, the MX 170, the MX 270, the MX 470, the MX 580, the CX 215 (Blue, Bronze, Green, Orange, Red) and the MX 365 (Blue, Bronze).

Making Her Into Reality

Making “Her” Into Reality
Some of the professional writers on the web are at a really high level that i ponder if any of them have ever created a book? well occasionally i like to highlight these excellent articles and here is one i thought was fascinating the other day.

Spike Jonze’s latest movie, “Her,” creates a future where technology is less visible, yet more ubiquitous than today. The main character uses an earpiece and handheld device to communicate with an operating system that follows a user across any platform, rarely utilizing the traditional desktop screens except when at work. And the main way of interacting with the operating system is through natural, conversational speech.

Even though it is science fiction, “Her” seems to be the end state for many current acquisitions and research from real-life tech companies. These companies are pursuing enhanced artificial intelligence and speech recognition. And the companies who don’t jump on this future will be left in the digital dust.

Established artificial intelligence
The most well-known characters in AI today are IBM’s Watson and Apple’s Siri.

Watson takes human’s natural language and filters through data to find the most probable answers. It can take “unstructured data,” that is, data computers typically cannot read because it isn’t structured in tables, rows, or columns, and turn it into knowledge accessible not through complex queries but simple, vocal questions. It’s now being used to help doctors find better cancer treatments and financial planners find better investments. IBM hopes Watson will bring in $1 billion in revenue by 2018.

Siri first debuted in Apple’s iPhone 4S, allowing for simple functions like searching the web and initiating a call or writing a text message. The latest iOS version added more functionality for Siri, like sourcing information from Wikipedia and Twitter.

Apple’s latest acquisitions point to further enhancements for Siri. In 2013, the company picked up intelligent calendar application Cue, which helps layout a user’s day similar to Google Now. It also bought Topsy, which allowed customers to analyze and search social posts. And, a recently published patent points to expanding Siri from phones to docks.

Up and coming AI
Now, Google spent a rumored $400 million on an artificial intelligence company called DeepMind. DeepMind’s website describes its software as useful in “simulations, e-commerce, and games,” and the company has an impressive talent list with a former child chess prodigy and a Skype co-creator. This piles on to Google’s other recent acquisitions of robot maker Boston Dynamics and smart home hardware maker Nest. If Google can succeed in integrating these seemingly disparate companies, it seems like having a conversation with your thermostat isn’t too far off.

Losers of an AI future
While these companies are priming themselves to own any science fiction-like future, there are companies doomed to languish if they don’t change their path.

This includes the lowly hardware maker. The future presented in “Her” doesn’t contain several devices in multiple form factors as we have now, but one handheld device and one wearable earpiece that connects to a cloud-based operating system. IBM, a case study in staying relevant, keeps shedding its hardware operations with its latest $2.3 billion sale of its server business to Lenovo. As the main players build their artificially intelligent ecosystems, the hardware becomes less important as it’s commoditized, and the main differentiation becomes software. Companies might also want more control over their hardware and the user experience, and produce their own. For example, Apple recently purchased a cutting-edge chip maker, Primesense. Microsoft stepped into producing its own hardware with its Surface tablets.

Just a movie?
On the other hand, “Her,” like most future predictions, could be far off base. While it seems artificial intelligence will play a large role in future computing, we may combine such technology with even more screens. The point where computers become more intelligent than humans, called the singularity, may not come as quickly as predicted, and these future bets may be too far off to have any impact on company values today.

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